Conferencistas Magistrales

Tema: A Helicopter Tour of Spatial Analysis: From the Big Bang to Spatial Econometrics


We will start with a bang, i.e., the big bang. Then after a short prehistory, we will begin at the beginning of spatial analysis, around mid-18th century. The introduction will be at a general level of epidemiology. Then we will discuss the concept of spatial dependence, and slowly move to spatial statistics, spatial econometrics, and finally to spatial urban economics.

Professor Anil K. Bera

University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign's Department of Economics

Anil Bera is a professor of economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He has contributed to the development of a number of test statistics, such as the Jarque-Bera test for normality and the Bera-McAleer test for linear and log-linear models. Currently, his main research interests include spatial statistics and econometrics, testing under misspecified models and history of statistics and econometrics. He was a co-editor of Indian Growth and Development Review and associate editors of Sankhyā, The Indian Journal of Statistics, Foundations and Trends in Econometric, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Abstract of Working Papers in Economics, Econometric Reviews, Journal of Quantitative Economics, and a Guest Editor of the Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. He received his Ph.D. from the Australian National University (ANU). Before joining UIUC, he was a CORE Fellow at the Universite Catholique de Louvain. He had been a visiting faculty member in a number of academic institutions including the University of Western Ontario, Indiana University, Monash University, the University of Melbourne, the Indian Statistical Institute, the University of Hawaii, Tilburg University, Singapore Management University, Nanyang Institute of Technology, University of California at San Diego, Xiamen University, Istanbul Technical University, Yildiz Technical University, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China, Higher School of Economics, Moscow and Perm, Istanbul University, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Rome, Los Andes University, Colombia, the American University, Pamukkale University, Turkey, and the Perm State University, Russia.

Tema: “Evaluation of the French national cluster policy: Some lessons for place-based policies”


Among the public intervention policies to stimulate innovation, an increasing importance is given to supporting innovation clusters (European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change, 2019).

Despite a growing body of literature evaluating cluster policies, the extent to which these policies cope with market and system failures still lacks empirical evidence. Three main sets of questions remain under investigated. Firstly, little is known about the different tools of cluster policies (Nishimura and Okamuro, 2011): Do various tools of cluster policies produce the same impact on firm performance? Secondly, whereas most collaboration-based innovation policies aim at fostering efficient ecosystems of innovation, evaluations of the behavioural impact of such policies remain few and far between (Lucena-Piquero and Vicente, 2019): Do cluster policies make firms more collaborative? Do they favour local ties? Do they induce network additionality? Do they positively shape regional network structural properties? Finally, we lack a systematic evaluation of the “one size fits all” issue: To what extent does the cluster policy impact vary according to the territorial features?

To answer these questions, we focus on the French national cluster programme which is among the most developed one in the world and the largest one in Europe. We use counterfactual evaluation at the firm level and spatial econometrics on regional data, combined with social network analysis. Our results show a greater positive impact on SMEs’ output from informal knowledge exchange at clusters than from cluster R&D subsidies. We also find only partial effectiveness in the ability of cluster policies to tackle network failures. For both market failure and system failure, heterogeneity in the effects of cluster policies occurs, depending on cluster and regional properties.

PhD. Corinne Autant Bernard

Universidad Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne

Corinne Autant-Bernard is a professor of economics at Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne, where she heads the Department of Economics. She is a member of the CNRS GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne research unit, and her research fields are the economics of innovation, spatial economics, network analysis and public policies of innovation. She coordinated several special issues on these themes in leading international journals. She has also collaborated in several national and European research contracts on the analysis of knowledge diffusion processes. Her recent work focuses on the implementation of original methods for the econometric evaluation of R&D support policies involving collaborative and spatial dynamics.

Tema: “La generación de empleos en las empresas: una misión imposible?”


According to a World Bank estimation before the pandemic, 700 million jobs need to be created in the world by 2030 to keep the same level of employment.  The number has probably gone up substantially in 2020 and the largest proportion of them will depend on new enterprises. For several decades, development practitioners, governments and donors worldwide consider MSME as “the engine of growth”, since Birch (1979) claimed that small enterprises generate a “disproportionate share of new jobs” in local economies. Policies of governments and NGOs and even political rhetoric up to our date in developed and developing economies are based on this claim, which places micro, small and medium enterprises as the “engines of growth”. This presentation will critically analyse this view and contrast it view with the logic or rationalities of entrepreneurs creation. It will show that MSME do not create jobs as they are expected, and business graduation to larger scale categories happens rather exceptionally. The study will discuss three policies of enterprise promotion: Microfinance, integration in global value chains and business development services.

PhD. Georgina Mercedes Gómez

Universidad Erasmus Rotterdam en La Haya

Georgina Mercedes Gómez es profesora asociada en Instituciones y Desarrollo Local en el Instituto International de Estudios Sociales (ISS) de la Universidad Erasmus Rotterdam en La Haya, Países Bajos. Terminó su Doctorado en Estudios del Desarrollo con honores en el ISS en abril de 2008, con una tesis sobre los sistemas de monedas complementarias para el intercambio y el desarrollo local en la Argentina. Se especializa en la gobernanza económica estructurada por los agentes, con base en sus procesos de organización evolutiva. Específicamente ha publicado varios artículos y libros sobre la pluralidad monetaria, las redes de intercambio local, las monedas sociales (como las Redes de Trueque en la Argentina), la economía social local, y otras formas de regulación social

PHD. Nilkolaos Antonakakis

Webster Vienna Private University

Dr. Nikolaos Antonakakis is an Associate Professor of Economics and Head of Department of Business and Management at Webster Vienna Private University, as well as a Visiting Fellow at the University of Portsmouth. He is an interdisciplinary researcher with a focus, among others, on International Macroeconomics and International Finance, European Integration, Applied Econometrics, Health Economics, Energy Economics and Tourism Economics. Nikolaos has been named by Thomson Reuters as in the top one per cent of scholars worldwide in 2016 for citations in economics, and currently ranks in the top fifth place of economists in Austria based on the publication record of the past ten years. He has published more than 60 journal articles in widely renowned journals, and his research has received a lot of attention from internationally renowned media, such as The Guardian, Forbes Magazine, New York Post, CNBC, Newsweek Magazine, Russia Today, among others.

Tema: “Inequidades Espaciales y Ciudades en América Latina”


Todos los países tienen ciudades más y menos desarrolladas, y dentro de las ciudades también se observan grandes diferencias entre barrios en términos de ingresos, salarios, y acceso a servicios públicos.  Esta ponencia abordará la geografía de la inequidad en las ciudades, empezando por la contribución de las disparidades geográficas a las desigualdades de ingreso salariales del país en su conjunto, y discutirá qué hemos aprendido de la literatura académica reciente sobre las posibles causas, consecuencias, y políticas públicas que pueden utilizarse para mitigar la desigualdad espacial dentro de las ciudades.  En este contexto, se prestará especial atención a las desigualdades espaciales en materia de salud, incluyendo los impactos locales de pandemia de la COVID-19.

PhD. Juan Pablo Chauvin Rodriguez

Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

Juan Pablo Chauvin es economista investigador en el Departamento de Investigación del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Está también afiliado al Centro para el Desarrollo Internacional de la Universidad de Harvard. Su agenda de investigación se centra en el desarrollo económico de ciudades y regiones, con énfasis en entender las interconexiones de los mercados laborales y de bienes raíces, así como la composición industrial de las localidades. En el pasado, ha sido consultor para la Agencia Alemana de Cooperación Técnica (GiZ), el Banco Mundial, la OECD, y el sector privado; asesorando a gobiernos locales y nacionales en América del Sur, Asia, el Medio Oriente y países de Europa del Sur. Ha sido también instructor en la Escuela de Gobierno Kennedy de Harvard, y varias universidades ecuatorianas. Juan Pablo obtuvo su PhD en Políticas Públicas y Máster en Administración Pública y Desarrollo Internacional en Harvard, Master en Políticas Públicas en FLACSO-Ecuador, y títulos de B.A. en Sociología y Economía en la Universidad San Francisco de Quito.

PHD. Daniel Titelman

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Daniel Titelman is currently Chief of the Economic Development Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and former Chief of the Financing for Development Division (ECLAC). He was the coordinator of the Special Studies Unit of the Executive Secretary at ECLAC, and expert on Monetary and Financial Policies. Mr. Titelman studied economics at the University of Los Andes in Colombia and made doctoral studies in economics at the University of California San Diego. He also has a master degree on social science from the Latin American Faculty of Social Science.

Mr. Titelman has a long and substantive experience in Macroeconomics and Financial issues and has published numerous papers on these subjects. He has also worked in issues related to financing and social security, particularly in health and pension reforms. He has participated in the elaboration of many institutional ECLAC reports on issues related to the macroeconomic, financing for development and social protection. He has also provided technical assistance to various countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.